Why do I love what I do?
I am always asked what is it that excites me most about my job? Its a hard question to answer because there isnt just one area thats the thing that gets me up in the morning its a whole mix of things that when put together create what I see as the perfect job.
Obviously the buying is great fun as you never know what you might find. You know if you go to a fair looking for one thing you probably walk away with another. Its that constant thrill of thinking this might be the day I have my Del Boy and Rodney moment! Alas that is still to happen but there is always that chance. But what buying also does is it gives me a chance to travel the country and more recently into Europe. France is an exciting area of my business because the variety of what you can buy is huge and the quality is always high. But I will say, there is a lot of pressure when buying anywhere to make sure you get the right pieces to make the money. No one is there handing out guaranteed profit makers so its all a bit of a gamble. But that is the thrill, because when I do buy it right and I can sell it that brings me onto another exciting part of the job which is meeting my clients and customers in the trade. I get to meet a lot of amazing people, obviously some of you reading this have already bought from me in the past and I really appreciate that and I hope you are all still enjoying what you bought.
This job gives me the freedom I want in life and also plenty of thrills, and it is the ups and downs that keep me on my toes and makes the job exciting everyday.
So I hope that clears up what I mean when I say its not just one thing that excites me most, as everything relies on each other and that is why this job is very addictive and constantly enjoyable.